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1. You can sort of tell the passage of time with the colors but I think adding something in the sky like the sun or the moon would help with that.

2. I'd use the same screen space but move the road down so you could focus on what goes in the sky.

1) passage of time wouldn't have been clear unless i read the description, so i don't think so.

2) i don't think more screen space is necessary, but i think you have the perfect template to tell a cool story through a road trip conversation or arguing with another driver or listening to the radio. the simplistic visuals lend themselves to what could be some really interesting storytelling.

1) Since I read the description, I could tell that the color changing was supposed to be the passage of time, but I don't think I would have if I didn't. I would try to add some other sort of visual indicator, like a clock, that shows it as well. 

2) I think the thinner road is actually perfect for a game like this. Just because you have the whole screen to move doesn't mean that you have to use it, and sometimes limiting player movement is a good thing. 

1.) I didn't really notice the environment changing to show time until I saw the question. It does read as something changing but I wouldn't have guessed it was the sun setting. Maybe add an indicator of a Sun setting to the background?

2.) I like the road width as it is, and found it amusing that you can drive into opposing traffic :P
If you wanted to fill up the screen, you could add trees and other sprites to decorate the empty space a bit?

2a:  The passage of time and the storytelling from the colors is very clear. I think you did a really good job with this part specifically.

2b: The road is a good width and I think it is super funny how you can drive on the opposite side. Overall I really enjoyed this experience.

For question 2a, yes, the passage of time could be identified by the change in the color palette, as it changed every time the car moved onto the next screen.

For question 2b, I think the road is wide enough as it is, yet there is a lot of empty space on the top and bottom of each side of the road.

I think you nailed it ☻ and the road is good.

As a resolutely safe driver, it warmed my heart to finally have a chance to tailgate other drivers while beeping my horn.  Cathartic.  Thank you.

The color palette definitely conveyed the change in time.  I didn't feel that the road needed to be wider, but I think I would have enjoyed additional traffic to interact with.

Can you clearly tell the passage of time from the changes in color palate?

  • Some players might have noticed subtle changes in the color palette, indicating a transition from day to night or vice versa. On the other hand I really didn't notice it until I read your question. Others might find it challenging to tell the passage of time solely from color changes, the transitions could be made more distinct or accompanied by other visual cues like the position of the sun or stars, street lamps, etc.